
Age is just a number

Did you know that there are more professionals over the age of 50 employed right now than ever before? According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 in 4 employees will be over the age of 55 by 2024, with… Continue Reading →


We were made for this: Part II

In our “We were made for this: Part I” blog post, we discussed how ServiceMaster by Stratos was made for a time such as this because of the tailored business approach we have always offered to our customers. For part… Continue Reading →


We were made for this: Part I

Think back on this time last year. Even if we were not in the midst of a pandemic, there is likely much that is different. Take COVID-19 into account and that “much” turns into “just about everything.” Many businesses have… Continue Reading →


Service partners on the front lines

Hello, I want let you know what has been going on in the life of ServiceMaster by Stratos since we haven’t been able to see so many of you during these social-distancing times. Our service partners are truly on the front lines of… Continue Reading →


Back to work: Your role to play

When the time is right for office spaces to reopen, ServiceMaster by Stratos service partners will be working tirelessly to help keep customer facilities clean. There are a few ways you, too, can help when you return – starting with… Continue Reading →


Cleaning 101: What you need to know

We’re all looking for ways to elevate the cleanliness of our homes and offices. When new ServiceMaster by Stratos team members come on board, they’re taught how to take care of customer facilities in safe and effective ways. That same… Continue Reading →


Information is Currency

ServiceMaster by Stratos’ CEO Stacy McCall was first introduced to the “information is currency” concept on the streets of Downtown Memphis when she and her family moved to the area in 2009. The McCalls settled on the corner of Madison… Continue Reading →