Improving or maintaining your company’s culture is always one of the most challenging items at the top of a business leader’s tangible to-do list. When a company enters a transitional period or season of change, that action item might be bumped down on the list of important tasks. But, maintaining organizational culture is even more important during big, company-wide changes. At ServiceMaster by Stratos, culture is the lifeblood of our organization and we prioritize it no matter what. Here’s how:

We communicate
Frequent and clear communication is the foundation of a healthy company culture, especially during seasons of change. Whether your company is moving office spaces like ours is right now, experiencing staffing changes or even going through the upheaval the pandemic is presenting, rapidly changing times can lead to confusion. Combat that confusion and strengthen morale with consistent and clear communication.

We adapt
Times of transition bring a lot of unknowns and time spent on your toes. That’s why in times like these, the best way to maintain your company culture is to make sure it is adaptable. Business leaders can set an example by showing their own adaptability, no matter the situation. They can be flexible, open to change, and receptive to the thoughts and opinions of their team members. So, take a look at your culture’s values, goals and inner fabric. If your current company culture can only survive if everything goes according to plan, you may want to do some adjusting. 

We invest
Above all, during any period of change it’s important for business owners to remain committed to their team members. Involve them where you can, and continue to invest in them as much as you were before. Even if things are busy and new, drive home the point that no matter the shift in direction your company might take, its most important assets – its people – will remain a top priority, and they will be invested in every step of the way.

A healthy company culture does more for your business than a new office space, a change in leadership or a refreshed brand ever could. If you can’t serve your employees and meet their needs, then how will they be able to do the same for your customers?

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