Stratos’ word of the year
In 2024, a both hard but necessary lesson we learned was finding purpose in the pause. We spent the year slowing down to focus on the future instead of rushing into important decisions. It only makes sense to carry this lesson into 2025. While many people kick off the new year with a resolution or vision board, we decided to select a word to determine the goals of our year. So, the word we chose to focus on is “pause.”
Pausing gives you time to take a good look at the business and make a plan for the future even when it’s not your first instinct. This past year at Stratos, we had open leadership positions. While we wanted to act as quickly as possible, our gut told us we needed to take our time and get comfortable being uncomfortable in order to find the right people. Rushing into a hiring decision like this one can affect your company’s culture, workplace morale and more. We found our time of patience and pausing was necessary and rewarding, as it led us to the right fits.
It’s always important to look at the big picture of your organization, but each individual detail is what makes the business unique. When you pause, your employees and customers alike will benefit from the end result. This discipline in your business decisions makes your organization’s future even brighter.
So, what is your word of the year?
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