How we set the stage for the main event
FedExForum and AutoZone Park are just a couple of the venues Stratos services. A lot of time and training go into keeping these spaces that can accommodate a combined 29,000 guests in tip-top shape. But above all, it takes an… Continue Reading →
The role referrals play in company growth
Ninety percent of Americans own a smartphone, giving them immediate access to immense knowledge. We can browse the web, scroll social media, listen to podcasts, watch TV – all while being served ads that could influence purchase decisions greatly. Despite… Continue Reading →
A Year in Review: Lessons learned in 2023
As each year comes to a close, I like to take time to reflect on what I’ve learned and what continues to make me who I am. One of the biggest revelations I had in 2023 was that slowing down is… Continue Reading →
Stratos Minute: Season 2, Episode 1
We’re taking a new and fresh approach to the Stratos Minute this season that we hope you enjoy! In season 1, we focused on inspirational quotes that spoke to servant leadership, company culture and more. This time around, our goal… Continue Reading →
Service partners make the top of Stratos’ gratitude list
Holiday season is here, so we’re reflecting on just how thankful we are and counting our many blessings. At the top of our gratitude list, you’ll find our wonderful service partners. Without them, Stratos simply wouldn’t exist. These hard-working men and… Continue Reading →
Tips for being a more present leader
In a world of virtual meetings and remote work, it can be hard for employees to truly feel seen in the workplace. And, for those coming into the office regularly, it’s easy for them to get caught up in day-to-day… Continue Reading →
Logistical People Business: Overton Park edition
Stratos is the Logistical People Business. Those three words make up the most succinct definition of our organization. With over 150 service partners serving customers across three states, logistics is a big part of our business. Not only do we… Continue Reading →
To pause or to pursue: Timing is everything
A phrase that holds true time and time again here at Stratos is, “timing is everything.” In business, it’s important, yet difficult, to know when to pause and when to pursue opportunities. Having strong values that guide our efforts and… Continue Reading →
307 Madison – Stratos’ event venue venture
In 2021, we moved into our spacious new home located between Downtown Memphis and the Edge District. Its address and name are one in the same – 307 Madison. After extensive renovations were completed, we made ourselves at home here… Continue Reading →
Stratos team member’s positivity is the driving force behind success
If you follow Stratos on social media, you have likely noticed we share a meaningful quote each Monday. These quotes come from our managers’ meetings. Our management team is required to bring a quote that resonates with them to the… Continue Reading →