At ServiceMaster by Stratos, we are proud to have been a GS-42-certified company for seven years. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we all evaluate the degree to which we incorporate sustainable practices within our workplaces, and cleaning protocols are no exception. Partnering with a GS-42-certified vendor allows businesses to create a safer environment today, tomorrow and in the future by implementing sustainable products and processes to protect both their people and the planet.

Did You Know? GS-42 Benefits:

  • For commercial property owners, occupants of green office buildings reported three fewer sick days and a 5 percent increase in productivity.
  • For health care facilities, green cleaning protects an already vulnerable population.
  • For educational environments, green cleaning increases attendance and performance of both students and teachers by keeping them healthier.
  • Partnering with a GS-42-certified cleaning company fulfills a policy requirement under the USGBC LEED program.
  • Our GS-42 certification additionally proves our commitment to assessing the operations and procurement of our work, specifically focused on reducing health and environmental impacts.

If you’re not currently working with a green cleaning partner, advocate for green cleaning at your venue! Start with a basic audit of your cleaning supply inventory and processes; then, ask your cleaning vendor how they can help ensure a greener environment in your facility.

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